ASIC has announced the establishment of the Financial Advisers Consultative Committee (FACC), designed to improve industry engagement with the regulator as part of ASIC’s ongoing commitment to enhancing its engagement with its stakeholders.

ASIC Deputy Chairman Peter Kell noted “ASIC has extensive engagement with participants in the financial advice sector as well as financial advice industry bodies and consumer organisations. We saw benefit in extending our interaction with this sector through the establishment of a committee made up of practising advisers”.

The FACC supplement ASIC’s existing engagement with the financial advice industry by:

  • contributing to it’s understanding  of issues in the financial advice industry, including those directly impacting on practising advisers;
  • improving ASIC’s  capacity to identify, assess and respond  to emerging  trends in the financial advice industry.

The members of the FACC are practising financial advisers with a range of skills drawn from the following areas:

  • investment
  • insurance
  • superannuation
  • self-managed superannuation funds; and
  • digital financial advice.

The FACC will provide ASIC with views on a broad range of issues relating to the financial advice industry.

The initial members of the FACC are: Craig Banning, Jennifer Brown, Chris Brycki, Steven Dobson, Mark Everingham, Tony Gillett, Adam Goldstien, Cathryn Gross, Suzanne Haddan and Kevin Smith.

For further information, see ASIC’s media release.


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